Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Last night Nate visited with our daughter Andi for a while, giving her lots of time to ask and hear answers to her questions! The MAIN desire was to have Jesus be her boss, Lord of her life, help her to do what is right, and honestly she really wanted to go to heaven when she dies to see Grandma and be with the older children (who have a 'new nature' already).

When do you know if someone truly understands what it means to "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved"?

Her simple and profound little prayer was very well thought through and from the heart, genuine and REAL!!!

"Dear Lord, I need you in my heart. I can't do it by myself, I've been doing bad stuff. I ask you to be in my heart and be my boss, and I'll obey you all my days! AMEN~!!!

Now this little SIX year old has a 'new nature' that will struggle all her days to put out the 'old nature'.

It's been a prayer of mine from before she was born. That she would one day have such a strong desire to know God personally and realize that she can't do it without Him... to make God her 'boss' and to follow Him "all her days"!!!

When talking with children about their attitudes I have found it so much more effective when able to appeal to their spirit!

Thank you Jesus

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