Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Great Grandma's House!!

The kids absolutely LOVE going to Great Grandma's house on THE FARM!!

There is SOOOOOO much to see and 'touch'!
Grandma is exceptional at taking time to explain things to the kids and teach them the proper ways to handle certain antiques... the proper etiquette... We really do enjoy our time there!

Andi found a pink hat and a pink piggy suit and a pink umbrella in the Pink Room (kindof sounds like the game clue...)
Todd and Trae went outside to play and explore and came back totally drenched.

"Um.... what happened boys?" Todd, "Well..... we were standing on this red thing and I fell through the lid and into the water, but don't worry, I yelled to Trae to go away because he would drown and he obeyed me. He needs a treat!!" Thank you Lord for your everyday protection.

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