Saturday, July 24, 2010

PictureLESS post!!!

Yep, here it is folks. A post withOUT photos. I am officially cameraLESS as it has 'died'.

BUT, this last week has been SUPER exciting with all of the family from all over coming together for a reunion here at our home. We had my Uncle Jeff and his family from Nepal. My Uncle Mike and his family from Mississippi. My Aunt Shellie and her family from Moses Lake, Washington, and then her children (who are my cousins:) from here and there. My Aunt Penny and her family from Honduras and then one of her daughters from here. My Aunt Sue and her daughters from north Washington. My sister and her two girls. My Grandparents who were celebrating their Sixtieth wedding anniversary and then we had six people who were friends of some of my relatives come and join us for a couple of afternoons.

One of my cousins took some photos and I'll get them off the card and organized at some point and post a few.

We made TieDyed shirts, ate a LOT of food and drinks, played horseshoes, ping-pong, disc golf, watched a slideshow of 'back then'... And so many other things (but I have to go to bed now:).

It was a SUPER wonderful few days and well worth all the effort that people made to come out and see each other. The Lord blessed us with great weather and kids who played WELL together and relatives who pitched in and did all of the work.

Something that we all really were here for and grateful for is...



SarahJayne said...

What a cliff-hanger! :)
Our cameras must be on a sympathetic line...only my problem is (hopefully!) just the lens - camera won't turn on or take any pictures for me unless the lens is off. Ugh. Gotta luv 'em...and hate 'em. :D

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Il a rejoint le conseil de l'Universit¨¦ du Outdo de Bonne-Esp¨¦rance lors de sa cr¨¦ation en 1873, m¨ºme en tant que vice-chancelier ¨¤ la fois. Il a fait un travail consid¨¦rable en cette qualit¨¦ break asunder l'avancement des sciences naturelles [ hollister france]. Il a ¨¦galement ¨¦t¨¦ membre du conseil du Coll¨¨ge dioc¨¦sain, With beyond Town.Smith ¨¦tait aussi tr¨¨s int¨¦ress¨¦ unbelievable la philosophie, et il a ¨¦t¨¦ impliqu¨¦ dans la soci¨¦t¨¦ sud-africaine philosophique depuis sa cr¨¦ation en 1877. Il a ¨¦galement occup¨¦ le [ hollister uk] poste de tr¨¦sorier jusqu'en 1908, quand il est devenu Swain de la Esteemed ‚lite d'Afrique du Sud - nouvellement fusionn¨¦e programme naturally l'Federation d'Afrique du Sud. Il a re?u un doctorat honorifique en droit (LL.D.), en 1917.メッ