Thursday, July 22, 2010

4th of July worst parents of the year award!!!

We planned, we waited, we anticipated, we saved our $$. We told the kids that the 5th of July we were going to go buy fireworks (because they were half off by then and we could get so much more for our $$. We didn't even go SEE the fireworks this year...

We spent time talking about why we celebrate this day and why it is such a big deal and why we even have fireworks...

The 5th we load up, ALL the kids had a dollar in their pockets to spend. We drive through our town and all of the firework stands were already closed. No problem, we'll just drive into the larger city and keep looking.

Nate then called me. "Umm... honey..... we have a problem. They passed a new ordinance that said you can't sell fireworks after midnight on the 4th. In face even if you DID have some left over it was illegal to shoot any off. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?"

The kids had been anticipating this for MONTHS. We had them wait this entire week and didn't even take them to a firework show...

What an AWEFUL feeling to have created such anticipation in your own little ones and then have circumstances 'out of your control' make it NOT happen.

Reactions were that a few of them cried/SOBBED. One of them came up with a
nother idea. The 'little' ones just looked at their dollar as if to say "then what do I do with this dollar now".

We asked them how we could make it up to them and it was unanimous that we should go to the dollar store. We did and guess what we found??.... FIREWORKS. Not anything amazing but they had the firework packaging and they made sounds when you pulled the strings and snapped them together. THOSE ARE FIREWORKS when you are little.
The kids were thrilled, or I should say... that made up for it a little.

We'll NEVER WAIT to celebrate the 4th of July again!!!

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