Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dead Ends

Some of the most meaningful conversations happen for us at a specific time of the day! We discuss and laugh and encourage and discuss some more...

Questions like: "Does God love Satan and why or why not?" AND "What dies at a Dead End?"

It's interesting that a child's perspective of the world (or anything for that matter) is only what we let them see, read, experience, or tell them... the influences that we allow into our homes in the early years of a child's life are what shapes there little minds. You'll have to keep in mind that my children are still young at this point so I'm only speaking from a 10 years experience with having my own children and seeing the fruit of those things that I didn't see were important...)

The reason for saying any of this is to clarify what most of the up and coming blog posts are going to be about. BREAKFAST CONVERSATION!! That is that time of day that we have some of our greatest discussions and reads.


After several weeks of hearing snippets of conversations and catching little feelings from my daughter Andi I realized that we had missed a little concept on road signs and their meanings. She brought up the point to Darbi that she better not go to the dead end street because she will drown.

We spent the rest of breakfast clarifying what a dead end is and how there are dead ends all over life. Its just a warning sign that there is an end to the road and you have to come back out the same way you came in. Just letting you know that if you are looking for a shorter route to another street then this one does NOT go through. Perhaps you have a trailer on the back of the need to make sure that you can get back out before you head down that way.

The RELIEF on her face was priceless! She told several people that day, just making sure that they all knew the TRUE meaning for the sign Dead End!

1 comment:

jo said...

Thanks for your sweet note today. It made me smile. I miss writing so much. Hopefully I will do better. So much to remember these days. Your pictures are beautiful. As always.