Tuesday, June 3, 2008

ONE spring day!!! (Literally, ONE)

We had literally ONE spring day the other day, one day that wasn't raining or cloudy.  One afternoon actually because the morning was drizzly.  Anyways, up here in the NorthWest we sooo appreciate a sunny day, as they are few and far between.

The kids took baths that morning and were all dressed (which there is usually one that chooses to run around... well, in her diaper or in his shorts).  So we took a walk up the road and had a great afternoon playing and singing and talking and visiting our friends the ants and their 3 foot anthill. 

And we will end on this HAPPY face!!!!

1 comment:

Carne Family said...

Love the pictures of all the kids, but it is especially fun to see Nate Michael in his new glasses. Darbi is sure getting "old" looking too. The kids talk about you all of the time. We always miss you guys.